One Fine Night

One Fine Night
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This is the page where I'll describe myself in more detail.

The two men sat in silence. Both seemed too wrapped up in their own thoughts to talk. The driver drove into the dimly lit street with nothing but his lover on his mind. The passenger wondered just what the hell they were doing here. Within moments the car stopped. The driver slipped out without a word spoken.  The passenger exited the vehicle the second the explosion rocked the street. He hunched down when the force of the impact rattled the street, lights flickered, shop windows vibrated, some even smashed. He looked to the driver dumbfounded, still not sure what laid in store.


Dimitri Mikhailovitch stood motionless. The man, better known as Scorpion by every law enforcement agency in the world, gazed at the fire. His eyes searched for something. Within seconds a woman strolled out of the burning blaze, causing a smile to instantly quiver across his lips.  


“Then the devil calls his flock home, and the one consumed by fire will be his golden one. Isn’t the Widowmaker a sight to behold Ambassador?” Dimitri laughed, the shocked look on the Russian Ambassador’s face just priceless. He leaned closer to the Ambassador. “Is that hairs on the back of your neck I see standing up? After all, this can’t be possible, mother Russia believes Katalina Covaraine is dead.” Dimitri’s attention returned once more to the woman. “If that’s the case, I guess we’re looking at one hell of a beautiful apparition.”


Every stride Katalina Covaraine took closer to the pair was full of purpose. Her hair tied back neatly in a ponytail swayed gently across her back. Her trench coat floated serenely around her form, her demeanor not rushed or chaotic as one would expect given the circumstances. In her right hand laid a remote. Without pause or second thoughts she pressed the button before she let the device drop from her hand. The instant the remote hit the ground a second blast erupted. The flames from the blast lapped at Katalina’s back yet her step never faulted.


Once she crossed the street to be more out in the open her hands slid down her trench coat to tap against her legs. She needed to feel assurances that weapons were close at hand. This was Berlin after all, unknown danger lurked in every shadow, on every street corner. Twin berrettas sat in holsters strapped to the outside of her thighs and just to be safe two daggers slipped snugly into her belt. With every step Katalina oozed beauty, intelligence, and agility which when all combined added up to one hell of a weapon. Her eyes were now locked firmly on Dimitri.

“Nice night for a bonfire.” Katalina grinned. “You probably guessed Ivan wasn’t too helpful about Carlos’ whereabouts, but he did have this.” She tossed Dimitri a roll of film. “Could be worth looking at. He seemed somewhat reluctant to hand it over.” She looked the other person up and down. “You brought me a new chew toy too I see.”


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Jules and Jim, Manhattan, Breaking the Waves

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Nirvana, Frank Sinatra, Ibrahim Ferrer